Introvert Gets Puppy-fied

We interrupt our regularly scheduled blog post to introduce you to New Puppy Angus.

Angus is a lab mix rescued from death row from a shelter in Arkansas. He was born in October and is a surprisingly hefty 25 pounds. After 8 years, we had forgotten what it was like having a puppy…

Day 1: While it’s possible he is on his very best behavior at the moment, so far he appears to be sweet and confident. This is an extremely good thing. Rich found a chart on the internet indicating that Angus may be 90-120 pounds when he’s full-grown, given his current weight and age.

Day 2: I confirm that Angus was on his best behavior on Day 1. He has started chewing and humping. He will not get neutered until April. This could get interesting. On the bright side, Angus has already learned “sit,” is getting the hang of “down” (as in “lie down”), and he’s been great at “come” when called. The “leave it” command is obeyed when given with the right timber of voice and immediately followed up with a honey-sweet praise voice when he actually leaves it.

Day 3: We have had our first accident in the house. The chewing and humping attempts continue, as does the constant application of the “leave it” command. Zackie-O, the introverted Plott Hound, is unenthusiastic about her new little brother. (Suck it up, Zackie-O.) Mojo the kitten is curious, but the other cats refuse to acknowledge a stranger is in the house. I expect dirty looks from them in the near future.

While Rich and I agree on many things about this puppy, we do have a difference of opinion on name origin. Rich insists Angus is named after Angus Young, co-founder and lead guitarist of AC/DC, renowned for wearing a schoolboy-uniform on stage during concerts. I say Angus is named after the Scottish lullaby “Dream Angus.” Had the Day 1 personality persisted, I might have fallen into calling him Dream Angus. Given the dawning reality of life with a puppy, he remains just “Angus.”

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R.I.P. George the Cocker Spaniel (May 13, 2008-Feb 10, 2020). You were a sweet boy. We will miss you.

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Introvert Gets Puppy-fied

3 thoughts on “Introvert Gets Puppy-fied

  1. csweeney725 says:

    I am sorry that you had to say good bye to George. I’ve been told that Labs are smart and wonderful dogs. I think Mojo seems like a brave and fun kitten. I was at a workshop with a Shaman and she asked us, her students, if we liked new things and change. Out of 7 students I was the only to respond with an emphatic yes. The Shaman responded with, ” I like to say goodbye”. I realized the lesson conveyed by the Shaman and 10 years later I still loathe saying goodbye at death. Welcome to Angus and for George may gentleness follow you wherever you go.


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